Our consultants here at Adāge Furniture have been looking at and arranging venues for years now so we decided to gather some of the best advice we can – straight from the experts themselves. Arranging furniture is our life and our passion and we have some tips to share with you…
Tip 1: Flow is important
Firstly, all our consultants agreed that flow is SO important. Make sure you have a clear pathway through to the serving area and amenities. Start off by defining clear walkways and mark all your entries and exists, amenities and where you want your customers to go.
Tip 2: Have defined areas
Once you have defined your walkways, go on and set up the areas within your venue. We recommend having three different areas to accommodate all ages – lounge and booth area, bar height area and then the standard dining area. A great tip for these areas is to use different, but complementing, furniture between the different zones. This is a great way to keep the areas defined, and yet not separate.

Tip 3: Table size variety
It is good to have a variety of table sizing throughout the venue – for example 12 seat communal tables, 6-8 seat bar tables and then smaller 4- and 2-seater options. However, we don’t recommend using too many large tables as it can lead to inflexibility. Using smaller tables that can be pushed together accommodates for more ages and group sizing.
Tip 4: Design is crucial
When you are designing your areas, make sure you allow room for chairs to be pushed out and for service from your staff. Also remember that your patrons will be looking around them: scenery, the bar, any TV screens. For example, a bar height table in front of a screen with lower dining behind will restrict the view of the patrons in the dining area. One of our consultants gave the tip to line the table edges up with the front of the booths and keep the lower seating against any walls that are glass or that have a great view.

Tip 5: Don’t forget to be Practical!
Here’s a fantastic practical tip for you: use folding tables on any tables that are outside and have to be brought in. We have a great range of folding tables that stack neatly into each other and therefore don’t take up much room in the venue when brought in at the end of the day.
A nice way to keep your venue looking fresh is to have greenery placed tastefully around the entry ways and on any feature furniture in the room.
And finally, another brilliant tip: experiment with the way your tables are placed – they don’t always have to be square; sometimes a venue can fit more in when the tables are on the diamond.
These tips have all come directly from our team of consultants. Are you wanting some more advice for your venue? Give us a call today!